About White Valuations and Consulting Ltd
Lead Valuer : Joanne White
Joanne has been in the jewellery trade for just under 19 years, firstly working for an award winning independant Jeweller in Sheffield, and moved on to work for a well known Jewellery Valuation Company, serving Birmingham the Midlands. The first five years, gaining retail experience whilst achieving her FGA, and DGA. The last preparing valuations for leading High Street and Independant Jewellers. Joanne also travelled to the South West, Yorkshire and the North East doing Valuation Days. Gaining the NAJ qualification PJ Val Dip, and in 2006 becoming a Member of the Institute of Registered Valuers, "IRV", going on to be finally a Fellow, "FIRV", of the Institute of Registered Valuers.
Qualifications & Affiliations